SATURDAY 28th OCTOBER 2017 FROM 10:30 – 3:30pm London Welsh Centre, 157-163 Grays Inn Rd, Holborn, London WC1X 8UE The fourth all day conference and the second one held jointly by London Federation of Housing Cooperatives, London Tenants Federation and National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations. The day will address how housing cooperatives and community groups can … [Read more...]
Community Controlled Housing in London
Summary by Greg Robbins, Secretary of the London Federation of Housing Co-operatives London Federation of Housing Co-operatives (LFHC) has 267 co-ops on its database. Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) has done some excellent research and found 775 community managed housing organisations nationally, of which 289 in London. Of these, according to the data we have … [Read more...]